Friday, October 30, 2009


I want to stop standing still.
But right now I am only wishing everything around me would go by.
I only realize how much time I waste after it's too late.
Flying is more interesting then just floating.
I'd rather be passionate than content.
I dont need security. I need inspiration.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I try to realize my size...

Simple people make things complicated.
I am done worrying now.
Because I've thought about the complexity we've created,
and I simply don't wish to care tonight.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


As much as I would like to say It doesnt get to me...
It ruins me.
And I'm left to ask myself, "Who am I?"
Who am I now?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Be Ok.

It's strange how living rooms turn into battle fields.
How birthdays become emergencies.
And everyone wants to move forward, but no one is willing to change.

Its all out of my control.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I Matter. What I say and what I think Matter.
I am capable of doing things that are meaningful.
You can continue to suffocate me.
I couldnt breathe to begin with.

I can use as many words as I want.
But you have no respect for it at all.
The look in your eyes says its already obsolete.

And I am always waiting, waiting. To be free someday.
But when is that, if all we have is now?

"we accept the love we think we deserve"

I never want to settle.

I am so cold when I'm alone.
You are not the sun, but you are warm enough.
I really didnt expect perfection, did I?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is what we're up against...

It didnt make me sad to hear about the cancer.
Because I thought you were strong.
You have a supportive family and friends.
I Wish I could tell you that this is still your life.
You may not be able to control this disease, but you can still control how you feel about it.
Being bitter about it only makes you weaker.

And it didnt hurt so much to see you battling this.
It hurts much more to see you let it win.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"Keep breathing, my Angel"

I always knew we were meant to exist this way.
And I am scared. But all I have is now.
We are meant to bring out the best in eachother.
There is no other definition of love.

Friday, October 16, 2009

"it's like forgetting the words to your favorite song..."

I feel like this should be easy.
And it's not.
I like to be independent, and maybe I've just grown too used to it.
This isnt what I hoped it would be.
But there is still room for change.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dear Old Friend,

The part of me that cried for you hasnt died.
It just realized it was time to wake up and wash the tears away.
And I'm glad it did.


In my experience, good and bad balance eachother out.
Maybe perfection is just a state of mind. A state of ignorance.
Because nothing is ever completely good.

Because things are changing. And Hope is an attractive quality.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Who can say if I have changed for the better. Because I knew you, I have changed for good."

Dont think too much about it.
Remember, the best things come when you are looking somewhere else.
I stop remembering, but I dont forget.
The truth.

Monday, October 12, 2009


And for once I cant sleep because of something good.
Because I'm so happy.
It's never been like this.
I feel like I can say anything, and it would be true.
You make me feel more than invincible.
And I am putting this feeling down so I dont forget what its like.
Its the beginning.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


My life is a startling combination of highs and lows.
We go from rock bottom to the moon in a matter of minutes.
We're easily amused, forgotten, and remembered again.
And if there's a good song playing on the radio, that might just make everything okay.


I feel so infinite.
And that is just so bittersweet.


I spend most of my time being lost.
Life always catches up with me when I'm looking in the other direction.

'Living by the hour, I stop for every flower'

We're just kids.
You put on your cologne, i'll put on my make up.
Because that's just what we do.
And it makes sense.

There were stars out tonight.
But I paid no attention to them.
They make me feel small,
But tonight I felt real.
I am new and this is real.
And it maybe wont last forever.
But it's lasted this long.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I dont want to pick a career.
I hate the idea of devoting my life to only one thing. One field, one general area.
Because I want to do everything.
I like having so many options.
I like being so full of potential.
Maybe I'm scared the world wont be what I expect.
Maybe I'll go to college for ever until I've studied everything I could possibly want to.
Maybe I'll skip college all together and travel all over and learn for myself. Maybe I wont let someone else tell me what I know simply because they have a degree on a silly piece of paper.
I'll will make my way to all different places.
I am afraid but that isnt going to stop me.

Cold places.

Silence. Because its far too late for words to make up for what we've lost.
Screaming because your angry at me for wanting what you cannot give me.
Screaming because I already know how to be afraid. I do not need another example.
But that's all that's left of you now.
This room wont let me breathe.
Its shaded and full of things that arent mine.
Its not my home.
There are too many wrong memories for that.
But I am here and I am alive.


We change like the leaves.
Some grow
Some die
Some stay through the cold.
Some fall away.

And I dont know why.
But I do know that there is beauty in the changes.