Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ten thousand drunken kids in a field can’t be wrong, The Song must be beautiful or they wouldn't sing along

I am the biggest dissapointment.
Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who never made mistakes.
I have a friend like that, she always follows the rules. Always is in bed on time.
Always does everything perfectly. Never partied or lied or snuck around did anything "Bad".
And she's never been curious about anything, never wondered what it would be like to stay out all night, or try something her parents never allowed or break the rules.
At times like these I wish I could be like her. But I don't want to be 70 years old and wish I had broken some rules when I was younger. I dont want to wish that I had more fun or wonder what it would have been like. And the way I see it fucking up like this has taught me some stuff. It's taught me who my true friends are, when I need to apologize, and never to do anything like it again. I feel like shit and I'm taking care of it. And I'm going to feel shittier. But I deserve it. And I have to suck the poison out. Apologize. And I'm leaving you behind forever.

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