Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I never wanted to forget.

I dont feel familiar feelings like I used to.
I remember things. But I can't feel them so much anymore.
I never wanted to forget.
Those feelings are so distant.
There is nothing left between us.
But I'm thinking maybe this nothing is better than tension and bitterness and leftover apologies.
I guess that maybe now I'm free from all of those feelings.
To carry on without attachments.
I think it feels okay being unattached to anyone.
I am afraid to let myself be defined by another person.
I dont know if that is good or bad.


J Cosmo Newbery said...

You sound lost...

For blue skies. said...

I am lost...
Your comment just reminded me of something I wrote a while ago.
"I spend most of my time being lost. Life always catches up with me when I'm looking in the other direction."