Saturday, September 12, 2009

To Write Love on Her Arms

"Consider the air in your lungs. It will be gone one day, and these chapters will close. If i had to guess, i would say you're early in your story. There is still a lot of time for hope to happen, for change to find you, for love and beauty and truth and songs you haven't even heard yet.

Take a moment tonight and remember the best of your story. And if it feels like there's too many ugly pages, then please know that you are free to be honest, that you were meant to be honest, that we all need that - we need people and places where we can say those things, where we can begin to understand, where we can begin to let go... It's okay to be honest.

i've been obsessed with The Fray's new single "You Found Me" for the last week, playing it for everyone, making them listen. i think it's the honesty... The song is basically a conversation with God, the things you're not supposed to say: Guy runs into God and asks Him where the heck He's been. God says "Ask anything."He asks "Where were you when everything was falling apart?"i am full-blown in love with the bridge, beyond explanation. All i know is that it's been moving some things around in me. He sings this with urgency:"Early morning, the city breaks, i've been calling for years and years and years and years and you never left me no messages, you never sent me no letters. You've got some kind of nerve..."Whoa. You're not supposed to talk to God like that... right?Or maybe God can handle it. Maybe God can handle my pain and my questions. Maybe God would prefer the most honest version of me. " -Jamie Tworkowski

I just thought I would share this. Because the truth is sometimes the pain weighs out the prize, and we're angry and ugly and broken. But there is enough space in all of us for hope, even if when we may not realize it. Have faith. Its worth the fear and uncertainty, because in all honesty things are going to get better, trust me.

"You are going to move through this.
More importantly, I love you. YOU ARE GOING TO MOVE THROUGH THIS.Don't be defeated. Submit yourself to the process. You are growing. You are changing. You are doing LIFE. I am not trying to make you feel better. This fucking hurts, and there are no two ways around it.But I am trying to encourage you to not retreat. I can't remove the pain, but I am going to hold your hand while it hurts.Continue to reach out. You need people right now.I'm here for anything you need.You are LOVED in ways you cannot imagine. In ways that don't depend on you. In ways that don't depend on your performance. In ways that cannot be lost. Remember Remember Remember.Love you my friend.- Anonymous

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