Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If only time flew like a dove

"I cant force these eyes to see the end"

I went to church today. I really liked it too.
Embrace the pain.
Challenge all of your excuses.
Work harder than everyone else.
Be a person of honor.
Make your own miracle.
God has given everyone the choice of free will.
I'm sorry if anyone has ever used their free will to do something hurtful to you.
"I'm sorry" he said.
And that meant alot to me.

I was feeling so good.
New and french vanilla. Happy and talkative. Comfortable for once.

And then I was angry.
So hurt and disrespected and confined and suffoacted and furious and pained.
It overflowed.
They're going to say they're "sorry" im upset.
It doesnt mean as much.
It's empty.

And it is just so sad.
How the people who are close to me are so empty.
And I dont know how to make them full again.
I dont know if its up to me at all.
But I want to feel.

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