Saturday, November 14, 2009

What are you so afraid of?

I have heard that its all real.
But I have not brought myself to believe.
But I want to.
I dont want to be scared anymore.

And I was reminded of all this last night when I heard a song.
I have a link to it.
But it really was better seeing it in person.
And knowing who was singing it and seeing how they felt.
And wanting to feel that way.

I want to love with all I am.
And it sounds simple but its really hard.
Or atleast, it's hard at first. For me.
For the people playing the song last night,
it seemed like the easiest, most simple thing in the world.

I wish I had more time to write, but I heard that song at a fundraiser for this organization called Love 146. And you really should go to their website. It would mean alot.

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