Friday, December 24, 2010


What has happened to me?
I am weak. How did I let this happen?
I tell myself that it's because I have a problem with authority.
But really I'm just lazy.

Why do I care so much about what people think?
It doesn't fucking change anything.
Why do accept other people's judgements?
Why have I let it ruin me?
I used to dance when I felt like it
And say what I felt without second guessing.
I had such a passion for dance.
What happened to me?
I was so passionate about everything.
I was able to public speak without any worries.
Who was that girl?

Everything I do, she scrutinizes.
She always finds a problem.
With how I talk, or move, or exist.
Meanwhile she is nothing
but scared, and just plain mean.
And she might get praise for it, people might say it's "Funny"
But it's wrong.
And I can't believe I let it affect me.
I changed my entire self just so there wouldn't be any problems.
Because its ok for her to pass judgement, but when I stand up for myself it becomes a problem.
Even after I do all I can to make her feel better.
Do everything I know how just to cheer her up, and all she can do is tear me down.
It's not going to happen anymore.

"You are LOVED in ways you cannot imagine. In ways that don't depend on you. In ways that don't depend on your performance. In ways that cannot be lost. Remember Remember Remember.Love you my friend.- Anonymous"

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