Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Words must mean something." -Barrack Obama

It kills me how people have so little hope. So little faith, responsibility, respect. If we want a change, we have to have faith in making that change. We have to have hope that it will happen.
Not much has been accomplished with no one having faith in it.

It also bothers me how people use the phrase "nobody's perfect" but they have not come to terms with the imperfection in the world. I belive that is truely insane. People that have lived in this world for longer than I have, and do not understand that happiness does not come with perfection, and that it is only an emotion, completely untangible, that we have every bit of control over.

And the inability to trust. It is understandable why people would be hesitant to trust someone else. We've all been hurt, we've all put up some walls. But treating someone like dirt on a first encounter. That is rude, reguardless of what you've been through. Complaining on and on over someone's honest mistake. Terribly rude, and unnecessary. And we are surrounded by it every day. Bitterness.

I believe that we have a constant battle between good and evil. Right and wrong. Light and darkness. Every decision we make, every word we speak. We can help or we can hurt, constructive or destructive. There are people that dont understand how smiling when you talk to someone can lighten their mood. And It's crazy that people can get so distracted with things that dont matter. Parents working so much that they're missing out on shaping a person's life for the better. And they remain ignorant even when it is brought to their attention. That is when the darkness finds an advantage. It thrives on ignorance.

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