Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seems like its been forever that you've been gone...

You make me wonder.
What did you feel as you pulled the trigger? Did you regret it as you walked away? Do you think about any of us here?
I realize that many of things that are wrong with this family cannot be blamed on you.
We were practically begging for a wake up call.
And it seems to me that we slept right through this one.
I think that everyone is too afraid to make up for lost time, to make apologies, to fix things.
They say we've "gotten over it pretty well" but there is no getting over with, theres only dealing with.
Were gunshots, a wheelchair, and many, many scars really not enough for us to realize that life is short? that people matter?
We've shed so many tears, but I'm still haunted.
This isnt a movie, where when its over you cry and then move on. This is real life, and sometimes the audience gets wrapped up and damaged, twisted and shaped. And most of the time you can't hide from whats playing out in front of you.

Well, I guess my point is that I'm awake now.


Kim Lehnhoff said...

Great blog you have here! Your writing shows maturity beyond your years.

Keep it up!

For blue skies. said...

Really? Thank you so much :)