Monday, November 10, 2008

After watching my recorded one tree hill an hour late...

I have to get a flu shot tomorrow morning.
Crazy, but it reminded me of the last time I got a tetnious shot, this past july, with a broken heart, and realizing that I had to just deal with the pain and it would be over eventually. But I have to keep getting flu shots over and over again. And I still feel the pain fromthat heart break over and over again, occasionally. I guess maybe I'll get used to it, to the point where I dont even flinch.
...takes time.

And incase you dont know, I am extremely freaked out by even the mention of a needle. So flu shots are a big deal with me.

Listening to: How I Could Just Kill a Man- Charlotte Sometimes
This song was basically the lullaby of my summer. Its what music video was always playing at 3 in the morning each night when I couldnt sleep.

So I think I'm going to read soon, and then fall asleep.
I've been reading That Summer by Sarah dessen and at first I thought it would be one of those cheesy stories about a summer romance and everything, but I figured I like all of sarah dessen's other books so I started reading it. Let me just say, that I am not dissapointed.

Okay, so after my little book review... I have nothing left to say. (:

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