Friday, November 28, 2008


So its been a good week. I havent written in a while. That's a good thing, because I tend to write more when I'm depressed or sad. I went black friday shopping this morning and I got a dress for the snowball dance next weekend. I tried to rearrange my room at my dads house. that didnt go well. I moved all the furniture around for like 3 hours and then i had to move it all back because it would only fit in the room one way. atleast i got some exercise... besides that I cleaned my entire room. and used like half a can of febreeze cause everything in my dads house smells funny. downside to my dad living alone every other week. Atleast as far as I know he lives alone. Oh and I helped my mom set up her friend shorties christmas tree on wednesday. Shortie is like a mother figure for my mom, and I've known her my whole life. She is the sweetest lady i have ever known, seriously.
My mom was telling me about her first love, and break up. It made me sad because her love was real. and her pain was real. And I want to feel that. Or atleast I wanted to. For now I just want to be happy. And I am, I want to stay happy. I want to go to the dance and have fun. And I will.
(: Goodnight.

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