Friday, November 28, 2008

im bored :)

. :START :.
1. Your gender: female
2. Are you liking someone: not seriously
3. Are you hungry:kind of
4. Are you bored: yes
5. Your birthday: nov. 4th
6. Age you wish you were: 17
7. The color of your hair: brown
8. Color you wish your hair was: pink :P
9. The color of your eyes:blue
10. Got any piercing: nope im too scored of needles =/
11. Want anything pierced: maybe my ears
12. Tattoos: nah
13. Who do you like: no one
14. Any siblings:yes, sister, half brother, step sister
. :HAVE YOU :.
15. Read the newspaper: funnies(:
16. Get told you're on crack: yepp
17. Talk to strangers: occasionally
18. Take walks in the rain: all the time
19. Drive: my moms teaching me (:
20. Like to drive: yes
21. Been out of the country: nope
22.Been in love: I thought I was.
23. Regret it: somewhat.
24. Gone skinny dipping: nahhh
25. Had a surgery: yup, minor sugery
26. Ran away from home: tried to once.
27.Played strip poker:nahh
28.Been loved: loved ... as in emotionally or physically...?
29. Been on stage:yup i used to dance when I was little (:
30. Slept outdoors: in a tent!
31. Made a Prank phone call: ahahah yes.
32. Pulled an all-nighter: yesss (:
33. Sleep Walked:yup, or so i've been told
34. Sleep Talked: ive been told soo
35. Cried yourself to sleep:yeah
36. Slept all day: yeahhh:)
37. Killed someone:nope
38. Made out with a stranger:nope
39. Had sex with a stranger:nope
40. Kissed someone:yup
41. Regret it:nope
42. Been betrayed: yup
43. Broken the law:uhhhm nope
44. Met a famous person: nope
45. Been on radio-tv: nope ):
46. Been in a mosh-pit: actually, no
47. Had a nervous breakdown: yes
48. Danced naked: yes, in the privacy of my room
49. Repeated Dream: I've had a few if a certain person was on my mind alot or something
50. Shoe brand you prefer:converse(:
51. Wear hats: only other peoples hats. like if we're hanging out and i feel like wearing their hat :P
52. Judge people: Sometimes i do, But i have a very open mind and my opinions change easily.
53. Listening To: actually im not listening to music right now.
54. Own 10 pairs of shoes:nah, nore like 6 or 7
55. Favorite place to shop: boscovs, kohls, american eagle,
56. Comfortable clothing:sweats:)
57. What's your style: im not going to lable myself, thank you verry much :)


58. Miracles:yes
59. Angels:yes
60. Magic:yes
61. Ghost:yes
62. Shirt: what?
63. Birth: yeah?
64. Easter Bunny: of course
65. Cupid:sure
66. Sex before marriage: eh, whatever floats your boattt
67. The death penalty: no.
68. Best friends: 4muskateeeeers
69. Everyone lies : everyone poops.
70. Ying and Yang: twins
71. Love at first sight: alright
72. Remember your first love: mhm.
73. What do you find romantic: nothing fancy, as long as I'm happy.
74. Do you look at looks alone: no.
75. Flirt to get for attention: haha sometimes, but im a teenage girl so what do you expect?
76. Time goes by too fast: absolutely
77. Like someone: i might


78. That you laughed at: john
79. That laughed at you:john
80. Person that made you smile: john
81. You went shopping with: mom
82. To disappoint you: me
83. Last time you took shower: last night
84. To brighten up your day:friends (:
85. Person you kissed: dont remember, haha its been a while.
86. You Dumped : no one..
87. Food you ate: strawberry jolly rancher!
88. Talked to through IM: john
89. You Hugged: madre
90. You texted: i cant text ):
91. You were in love with: never been.
92. You Fought: i dont know. my mom?

93. Food: chocolate
94. Girl: kenz
95. Boy: pshhh dont have one
96. Park: the one by my house (:
97. Sport: errr. yeahh right. hahh
98. Position: thats dirrrrty.
99. Pet: i dunno
100.Favorite Quote?: "im not sure what is a dream and what is real. or if real is a real word and if words even exist outside of our imagination..i still can't say for certain if falling asleep is opening your eyes in the morning or closing them at night. and im lonely. but not sadly. everybody is alone. i want love like love wants love..oxygen and drifting clouds. and im not scared to be alive. these days more people are. money is an illusion. the world has been gaining some sort of momentum over "time" and every day it's spinning faster. we are growing up too quick. someday i'll start to. i write music because it feels like breathing. i sing because it is connection. i wish everybody would sing with me and without even gathering together sing so honestly that the songs could be carried on wind and heard at every point in the universe, even in translation. i wish there were no more bombs or bullets. and i wish we'd stop using politicians for negotiations. people are far too beautiful at heart to be introduced so cruelly into the blinding brilliant world. children. if there were to be a new beginning. would it all come out the same way again??"
-Jason Reeves
(I literally copied & pasted that from his myspace 'about me' so i guess its not really a quote. but whatever, I still like it.)

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