Friday, March 20, 2009

How can you sleep at a time like this? Unless the dreamer is the real you...

I fell asleep watching the suite life of zack and cody with my sister a few minutes ago.
She's the only one who completely understands my sense of humor, and how terrified I am of my mother. I'm so immature with her. But maybe I was meant to live with the maturity level of a 12 year old. Life is more fun that way.
I'm listening to the guy from yellowcard's new band. Its pretty good.
I might go watch a dodgeball tournament at my school later. Maybe not though, cause I'm kinda depending on one of my friends to go and she alwasy bails at the last second.
I want to go swimming for some reason. I want to wear short shorts. But its only 37 degrees out =/. I want summer to be here, and I want it to go by so fast. I want to have tons of fun, but I want to remember how to be serious.
I want to go shopping this weekend. I'm really eager to buy some new spring clothes. I can't go with any of my friends though, theyre so... boring. They never try on random things just for fun. Not even when I ask them. It kills my mood. I could go with my sister... it depends if we're in the mood to be with eachother that day. ...We have bipolar moments.

"You are the one that I need, you know that I can still breathe. Bring me back to life, bring me back to life."

I'm happy and sad at the same time. I'm not bitter, but I'm nostalgic.
Do you know how it feels to have someone give up on you after you know they cared so much and waited so long and you let them down, and then they just left you behind, forgotten, but you still remember everything about how it used to be, but its gone now and today is so much better, but in some ways its not and you miss everything about the past but you're also glad its over??

Hm, I wish I could take an art class.

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