Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Maybe real love is the kind that doesnt come with apology letters.

Remember to smile when things go wrong.
Remember that imperfection is as good as it will get.

I miss the times when everything was just simple.
People were who they were, and we knew what we were doing.
Everything was comfortable.
The sunsets are more beautiful from my street.
Our whole world fades pink.
Or atleast, it used to be our world.
I dont know who we are anymore.

I want to go back to when I knew.
If there ever was a time...

I needed someone to tell me that there were no answers.
That there is no explanation for why things happened the way they did.
I needed someone to tell me that I had to get on with my life.

Summer 07.
Alot happened. I lived it, and moved on.
With help from my best friend, and she didnt even know it.
Theres some things that really only a best friend could understand.
And now everything is pulling me back.
He made me smile like no one else could. With those eyes.
That was love. Wether we knew it or not.
I think I've forgotten how to feel that way for someone.
I tried to forget all about him, because of the lies, the hurt.
Maybe real love is the kind that doesnt come with apology letters.
And yes, it is gone now. But it was there.
We were blinded.
True love is blind.
I think that is the only way love can exist. Unconditional. Blind.

I lied to myself when I made those promises to a stranger.
The stranger who I used as a distraction.
Only made things more complicated than what I was running from.
And I'm realizing now, what is real and what isnt.
Love is real wether its announced or not.
Sometimes one look can say it all.
One smile.
It blinded us from everything less than perfect.
It worked so well.
When you love someone, You just know.
I cant believe I'm just remembering this.
I was in love once.
Forever was not an issue. It was more perfect than I knew.
I wish I had a picture.

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