Monday, December 15, 2008

long day

my brother fell off the stairs on sunday. he got rushed to the ER, and I was the last to know. He is okay, just a minor concussion. But I still should have known.
My convesation with my sister goes like this:
(I am not exaggerating)
"wheres mom?"
"shes not home."
"Where is she?"
"Theyre at the hospital."
"Why are they at the hospital??"
"JJ fell down the stairs"
"oh my god is he okay? when did this happen?"
"I dont know, this morning."

And this afternoon my mother tells me that he almost died, wasnt breathing, and she had to give him mouth-to-mouth. But he is okay now.
And my mother thinks im anemic. and the talk of blood in the car almost made me pass out, on top of knowing that my brother almost died the day before, and that my dad is slightly depressed, and my mother having a mood swing not even 5 minutes later.

And I had so much work. We had school today, even though half of the students & faculty still did not have power because of the ice storm on friday. And my friend mackenzie had to stay with me last night because her house was 30 degrees.
And I'd like to say thata she's my best friend. But best friends dont keep secrets from eachother, or just not tell them things, or talk about them behind their back, or completely ignore them and disreguard what they say. No, best friends dont do that. And I dont have a best friend.

And I still really dont feel good.
So yes, It was a long day.
You know what, I think I'm gonna watch waitress tonight. Because I feel like shit. and thats what I did last time I felt awful.

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