Saturday, December 20, 2008

Stayed Home.

I fell down the stairs this morning. I felt really dizzy. I might have hit my head, but I dont remember. I stayed home from the service this morning because I couldnt see straight when I stood up. So now I'm writing this and doing my english homework. I have about 5 assingments for that class due monday. I wrote a mission statement :
I will treat others with the respect I want in return.
I will remember not to take things for granted.
I will accept others for who they are.
I will have the courage to be honest, confident, and step outside my comfort zone.
I will keep an open mind and a positive attitude.
I will apologize when I should.
I will make good decisions and work hard for what I want.
I will remember that no one is perfect, and when I fall I will get back up.
I will know that things dont always go the way I plan,
and I will make the best of it.
I will remember that sometimes I have to let things go,
and to never stop moving forward with my life.
I will know that I am a storng person.
And I have the choice to be happy.
what do you think?
I also have this poetry project where I had to pick 5 poems that I relate to, and explain why.
I picked a lot of poems about relationships, because they were easy to find, and easy to relate to. but theres also a few about the bigger picture, and choices in life, and stuff like that.
I have a busy weekend.
alot going on in my mind, but I'll handle it.
I always find a way...

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