Saturday, December 6, 2008

And to think that these are the people I am buying christmas presents for...

everyone is treating me like shit. When I leave my mom's she cleans out my room like I'm not coming back in 7 days. And when I leave my dad's he closes my bedroom door and forgets I was even there to begin with. And my friends treat me like all I am is a hassle, like I'm just an extra. But they are the only things close to permanent in my life, and so I keep hanging on to them.

So after completely breaking down last night, I havent fully recovered. And this day is not exactly helping. and I still have a shitload of homework. And I have to think about my future and who I am and what I'm going to be and what the fuck my goals are. and I have to clean my room because I trashed it yesterday during my panick attacks.

But I cant give up on being happy. at least thats what I keep telling myself. I have to keep getting up no matter how many times I fall down. I have to keep living no matter how many times I have a nervous breakdown.

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