Friday, February 20, 2009

Learn Without Losing.

I posted this in a comment on 'Pictures, Poetry & prose' about Childhood.

[photo by colleen]

My Aunt Karen

We went for walks in her garden. And I made a spaceship out of her kitchen cabinets. She was always patient and gentle, and I wasnt used to that. I think she likes children better than adults. Uncomplicated and Free. Children are living in their own moments. She would listen to me and talk to me. I didnt realize then how much I would appreciate it. I never realized how much she influenced me. We like quiet places, like the river and the flowers. And I bet she drinks tea at night too. I understand why she would rather spend time with her grandchildren and neices than talk with the "adults". We find comfort in youth. Things are so simple. I miss spending summer evenings at her house. I wish I could go back, because I was not myself. I would have talked my heart out. We're not jaded anymore. I'd like to gow old like her. I would like to learn without losing. Learn what life is about, without losing my freedoms and happiness.

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