Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mission Statement.

I posted this back in december. It was actually an assignment for english class. We were supposed to write mission statements. The teachers never ended up having us finish it. I guess they had too much other stuff planned. It helped me alot though. It reminded me why english is my favorite class. It makes me proud that I have goals now, and I know who I am. Or atleast, I'm figuring it out. Well here it is.

I will treat others with the respect I want in return.
I will remember not to take things for granted.
I will accept others for who they are.
I will have the courage to be honest, confident, and step outside my comfort zone.
I will keep an open mind and a positive attitude.
I will apologize when I should.
I will make good decisions and work hard for what I want.
I will remember that no one is perfect, and when I fall I will get back up.
I will know that things dont always go the way I plan,
and I will make the best of it.
I will remember that sometimes I have to let things go,
and to never stop moving forward with my life.
I will know that I am a strong person.
And I have the choice to be happy.


The Amazing Ernie J. said...

You're far more realistic and insightful than I was at your age. I'm sort of jealous.

For blue skies. said...

Dont be.
As realistic as that may seem, those goals are actually very hard for me to meet.