Thursday, February 12, 2009

To all of the 5 people that are follwoing my blog...

I'm sorry for the depressing mood of my posts lately. Its taken me a while to realize that nothing worth having comes easily. I really dont like the way I am, and I have a problem with my attitude and confidence. And If I want to change that then I have to try. Nothing is going to change if all I do is want. I want to be noticed, so I will make myself noticeable.

Anyway, my school did this computer match up thing where everyone filled out a survey and then you were given 10 matches based on your answers. Ohhh, that was interesting. And I had to snowshoe in gym class this week. I kind of like that class, because I dont know anyone and I can talk to anybody I want. But I kind of hate it because of all the "physical activity" and stuff like that.

My science teacher told me yesterday that when you get your wisdom teeth pulled theres a chance you could have permanent nerve damage if the dentist accidentally hits a nerve. And coincidentally I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled on monday. And yes, that is also my winter vacation, which kind of ruins all my plans. Because its my friends birthday party, and I'm supposed to have a girls night with some other friends, and I really want to go ice skating.

I Have nothing do to on valentines day. I'm thinking... scary movies with my best friend? Hopefully she'll be available.

Well I think I could say that this post was definately a waste of time.


Paula P. said...

I had my wisdom tooth removed last June... is not that bad. You'll eating soup for at least a week, but is not that bad. :-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck on getting those wisdom teeth pulled. I hope everything goes well.

For blue skies. said...

thanks. I got it done today and im doing alright. i was freaked out though because they had to give me an iv. but i had some icecream so im feeling better :)