Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January, carry me away to something better, somthing warmer, something higher, something brighter

I had beautiful words in my head this morning. But I cant remember them. And I dont remember what they were exactly about. But I thought that I should write them down. But I didnt, and I dont know if I regret it or not.
I think I should write more. I signed up for a literature of decisions class, and a writing workshop for next year, my junior year. And I'm really interested in the lit of decisions class. Its like philosophy, and discussing important topics and issues in nthe world, and life. I think it would be good for me. I want to be someone who has meaningful opinions, and I want to be capable of influencing other people. And I'd like to be remembered as a girl who wasnt afraid.

I read this in my horoscope (I'm a scorpio):
You have the magic to light up the dark, but sometimes you would benefit by looking at the positive side of things rather than going into the darkness at all.

I do, I have the ability to figure out what is wrong. But the problem is that it doesnt help me forget about it...

Wellllll I have things to do (:

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