Thursday, January 29, 2009

Waiting for a phone call from a friend.

I have a headache, and I feel like I dont know who I am anymore. Like I've lost touch with myself. I havent written in a while, and that might be because I had a strange nervous breakdown last friday and I was afriad to deal with that. I think I still am. I dont know what happened to me, but I was doing fine and then these little things that happen all the time just really got to me. Maybe it was just the realization that I could change myself so much and yet all the motions of my life could stay exactly the same. I dont understand why...
One week ago, I was not the person I am now. And you would never even know. My mindset was completely different.
Maybe this is exactly what I was looking for. To be outside my comfort zone. I'm about to go over to a new friends house, with her family who I havent met before. And I was so nervous about what they would think of me. And I remembered that a little while ago, I wouldnt have cared.

I realize that I think too much sometimes.

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