Thursday, January 8, 2009

I've packed a change of clothes and its time to move on...

So recently I've learned that people constantly change. Our opinions change, our personalities change, our interests change, our attitudes change. And that is like a part of life I guess, because if everyone always stayed the same how bring would that be?
And I've let go of some things in the past few days. Things I had been holding on to for way too long. And I've accepted that those things are in the past, and they are not coming back. And I've realized that I cant shut someone out of my life, when they will always be important to me.
I'm done being haunted by old promises. And I'm ready to start something new.

I'm beginning not to care what people think of me. And it seems so much easier now for me to be myself, and think with an open mind, and expand my thoughts.

And I think I'm happy, as of right now. But take into consideration that I'm a teenage girl, and that could change at any given moment. :)

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