Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kissing angels.

I went with my mom today to help her friend shortie take down her christmas decorations. Her real name is actually margret, but we call her shortie because, well she's like 4 feet tall.
And I think I've said this before, but she is the sweetest lady. She told me about one of her friends that she had years ago, who taught her how to knit. And the story was so much better than I make it sound, but I really couldnt tell it because its not mine to tell.
It just really brought me back down to earth. With all the clothes that I bought yesterday, and stupid arguments with people, and what makeup I'm wearing, or what kind of shoes I have. None of those things matter. And just talking with her. I have no words for it. She's a genuinly nice, sincere, and honest person.

And she gave me kissing angels. A boy angel and a girl angel that she made out of ceramics, and painted by hand. She made them before her son was grown up, and while she still lived walking distance from my mother. They're the cutest, most beautiful things. It is now my favorite thing anyone has ever given me. They're adorable. They just stand right accross from eachother with kisses on their faces. I love them, absolutely.
And yes, they are christmas decorations, but that doesnt mean I cant leave them out all year round. :)


Barry said...

Shorty sounds like one very talented lady.

My wife's cousin's father was nick-named Shorty as well, and for the same reason.


I have come here from Mr. Barry's blog.

I have read some of your posts and would like to revisit.

If you like reading short stories from an Indian writer, then a visit to my blogs would be an interesting one for you.

Naval Langa

Another Interesting Blog

For blue skies. said...

oh, she is talented.
And the most blessed person I have ever met.

and i would love to read some of your sort stories!